PHHS members may find it interesting to join one of the various teams associated with the Society’s research projects. Each of these projects is aimed at increasing knowledge about and raising the profile of the Hopkins’ family heritage. Those envisioned to date are briefly described below, followed by the contact person for the relevant task force.
The female line (MtDNA) for both of Stephen Hopkins’ wives will be researched and recorded. This will cover the female lines for Mary (?) Hopkins, through her daughter Constance, and for Elizabeth (Fisher?) Hopkins, through her daughters Deborah and Damaris, down the female lines, to the present.
The male lines (Y-DNA) for Stephen Hopkins, through his son Giles and down the male lines, to present day are being recorded through a joint study by the General Society of Mayflower Descendants and Familytreedna.
This project will be undertaken in two separate stages. The first will record the lines of descent for those members who have approved applications from the General Society of Mayflower Descendants from Stephen Hopkins. The second will set up a full connected genealogy on the web site.
Using the full genealogy, the Pilgrim Hopkins family migration patterns will be traced. The work of this project will assist those looking for records to prove lineage and for those wishing to visit ancestor locations.
This project identifies significant sites and places historical markers on where Stephen Hopkins and his descendants lived and worked. If you have any suggestions as to sites, or would like to work on this committee, please email.
The purpose of this project is to encourage younger descendants of the Pilgrim Hopkins family to participate in the PHHS and to become members.
Please print completed forms and mail to:
The PHHS newsletter, Atlantic Crossings , very much welcomes contributions from members on lineage findings, questions and controversies, on the results of research projects. Stories that shed light on the lives and times of Hopkins and his descendants are also needed. The newsletter invites letters from readers as well as information on births and deaths of Hopkins family members. The editors may also periodically request articles on priority subjects from members with particular areas of expertise.
Please contact < > if you are thinking of contributing to the newsletter, to discuss content and for guidance on length and deadlines.
The PHHS website, along with its newsletter, is one of the PHHS’ main networking and information-sharing tools. Members with the relevant skills are invited to help develop, maintain and upgrade it.
© 2024 Pilgrim Hopkins Heritage Society. All rights reserved.