The Pilgrim Hopkins Heritage Society was founded in 2005 to perpetuate the memory of the Hopkins family who arrived on the “Mayflower” in 1620. The Society encourages research on Stephen Hopkins, one of the most colorful and independent-minded Mayflower passengers, on his first wife, Mary, his second wife, Elizabeth, and on their descendants.
The Society assists descendants of the Pilgrim Hopkins family to acquire proof of eligibility for membership into the General Society of Mayflower Descendants. It also facilitates networking and information-sharing among PHHS members, thereby broadening and disseminating knowledge of Stephen Hopkins and of the Pilgrim Hopkins family heritage.
The PHHS Board is busy planning the Tri-annual Membership Meeting,to be held in the Old County Court House near the Mayflower Meeting House, from 4:00 to 6:00 PM A Joint meeting with the Cooke Family Society.
The PHHS Board is busy planning how PHHS will be involved in Plymouth activities during the 2020 anniversary of the Mayflower voyage. We will meet as always during the General Society of Mayflower Descendants congress. So far, we have determined we want to offer something for young people as many will be visiting and none of the other Family Societies has planned anything for kids. We will be in touch with more later about volunteering to help.
Participants at the eleventh meeting of the Pilgrim Hopkins Heritage Society, September 8, 2017.
Photo Credit: Franklin Smith
Participants at the eighth meeting of the Pilgrim Hopkins Heritage Society, Saturday, 7 September 2014 in Plymouth, MA
Participants at the seventh meeting of the Pilgrim Hopkins Heritage Society, Saturday, 14 September 2013 in New Orleans, LA
Participants at the sixth meeting of the Pilgrim Hopkins Heritage Society, Saturday, September 8, 2012 in Mount Laurel, NJ
The PHHS newsletter, Atlantic Crossings , very much welcomes contributions from members on lineage findings, questions and controversies, on the results of research projects. Stories that shed light on the lives and times of Hopkins and his descendants are also needed. The newsletter invites letters from readers as well as information on births and deaths of Hopkins family members. The editors may also periodically request articles on priority subjects from members with particular areas of expertise.
Please contact < > if you are thinking of contributing to the newsletter, to discuss content and for guidance on length and deadlines.
© 2024 Pilgrim Hopkins Heritage Society. All rights reserved.